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Upcoming Events & Resources - July 2021 #2

Upcoming Events & Resources

See what we have in the works!

We are in full summer swing here at Riverworks, and we cannot wait to share with you some great upcoming events! Between ourselves and our partners, these are just a few things to safely participate in while the community continues to open up and breathe life into an exciting summer in Milwaukee!


The Beerline Shuffle

Riverworks is excited to bring to life the first annual Beerline Shuffle! This event will take place on Saturday, August 28th from 9:00 - 11:00am. While on a three mile walk along the Beerline Trail (through both Harambee and Riverwest), we will shuffle along to live music, participate in community art projects, and have an array of other fun activities for all ages!

For more information and to register, click here!


Successful Business Planning Webinar Series

This Thursday, July 22nd, Riverworks will be hosting the next installment of our Successful Business Planning Webinar series from 12:00 - 1:00 pm. This webinar will focus on building business credit and increasing your cash flow. Click here to register for the webinar, or catch us day-of on our Facebook Live!


Health Matters Series

On Friday, July 30th, Food Right Inc will be hosting a culinary lesson for the whole family! This webinar will teach you how to make a healthy, cheap, plant-based meal with all of the ingredients included! For updates on this event, be sure to check our Facebook page!


Music on the Beerline

The 3rd Annual Music on the Beerline music series will be held on Friday, August 27th from 5:00 - 8:00pm. The event will take place in-person at the Beerline Trail Plaza performance stage at 3350 N Holton Street. This year's show is three hours of jam-packed information and entertainment from some of Milwaukee's most amazing leaders and artists. Please join us and dance along!


MKE Black Summer Marketplace

The 4th Saturday of every month this summer, MKE Black is hosting a Summer Marketplace to showcase local, black-owned vendors. The events take place on the Beerline Plaza at 3356 N Holton Street.

The next Summer Marketplace will take place on Saturday, July 24th from 11:00 - 3:00pm.


Beerline Trail Community Clean Ups!

Join us to clean up the Beerline Trail on the 2nd Tuesday each month, from 4:00 - 7:00pm. Starting locations will vary. For more information, email Ruth, or register to volunteer here.

The next clean up will be on Tuesday, August 10th.


Harambee Community Association Meeting

Neighbors in Harambee are invited to attend the Harambee Community Association Quarterly Meeting on Wednesday, July 28th at 6:00 pm. The meeting will take place at the Clinton & Bernice Rose Park located at 3045 N MLK Drive. The topics of this meeting include upcoming activities at the park and on the Beerline Trail, crime and safety, and real estate development.


Watch out for announcements about a live-recorded yoga session on the Beerline Trail, and many more upcoming activities!

Stay connected on Facebook for event updates and details

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