Follow this website for all updates related to the mural and banners: design progress, final design, installation dates, volunteer signup & the FINAL UNVEILING!
The Background Story:
A group of residents, community stakeholders and representatives of the Riverwest Business Association began meeting in 2018 regarding the high speeds of traffic witnessed on Center Street. The group, now called Center Street Realized, was concerned about the safety of the students along with the residents and business customers walking and biking on the corridor.
The group researched possible ideas that may help slow cars down. One idea rose to the top of the list: murals. Big art projects such as murals have been shown to passively slow drivers down as they experience the beauty of the mural.
Fast forward to 2021. The City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works (DPW) announced a grant program geared toward non- profit and community -based organizations to execute projects aimed at reducing reckless driving. Center Street Realized, collaborating with Riverworks Development Corporation was awarded a grant in April 2021.
Stay tuned for more information regarding specific dates related to mural installation and other activities.
For more info, project representatives will be at the Riverwest Farmers Market with up-to-date info on all aspect of this project. June - October / Sundays 10-3pm
Fence Mural on Center St at Riverwest Elementary
The Project:
The grant consists of a fence mural along Riverwest Elementary’s southern fence line facing Center Street. Students are creating designs and Community based artist Aisha Valentin will then create a final design based off the students’ creations.
The Concept for the Mural:
Things to consider in your design proposal
Try not to use words, let the drawing tell the story
Include things that will get peoples attention (colorful, vibrant)
Include ideas about how the neighborhood is a people and bicycle-focused area
include ideas that represent the neighborhood
700 Block of E. Center St
The mural will be made with Fence Cups, the same fence cups that create the "Riverwest" currently on the fence. Since there are a lot of colors to choose from, there are no limitations on the colors in your design. Our local designer will translate your design into the cup colors and format!
All proposed designs will be posted to the website for the community to view. Once the designs are submitted to Riverworks, they will be sent to Aisha Valentin of Eesh Works, who will combine the designs and format it to fit the fence.
The final design will be posted on the website and the installation date will be scheduled. The installation will need volunteers, once we get closer, we will create a sign up form, so you can help with the process.
Volunteers will need to sign a liability form as tall ladders will be used.
Street Banner with Strategic Messaging
The Concept for the Banners
The plan is to install 10 banners on light poles with strategic messaging encouraging drivers to slow down and spend time in the neighborhood. Working with the Riverwest Farmer’s Market, there will be an interactive booth for the community to give input on the messaging and to later vote on the best submissions.
Fill out the form to submit your ideas. Idea Submission closes on June 27
Voting on final ideas will open on July 18th, both in-person at the the Riverwest Gardner's Market and online!
Along Center St
Bremen St, Fratney St, Pierce St, Booth St, Buffum St
The community will submit ideas for slogans related to claiming traffic for the pole banners. Banner ideas will be narrowed down. The community will vote on the final banner slogans. The narrowed down slogans will be given to Graphic Designer Helene Fieder, who will translate the ideas into professional street banners.
Idea submission will happen at the Riverwest Farmers Market on June 13th, 20th and 27th and through this website. All submissions are due on June 27th.
Voting for slogans will occur at the Riverwest Farmers Market on July11 and through this website.