Business Spotlight - August 2021
Over the past year, the 53212 area has seen a big uptick in new start up businesses and in a variety of businesses moving to the area. We want to take a minute to recognize them and show our support, and to celebrate them as our new neighbors.
For more information about businesses in the area, or if you are a business looking for assistance, contact Riverwork's Business Development Center here.
Adventure Milwaukee
Adventure Milwaukee, located at 830 E Keefe Ave, is here to make your Milwaukee adventure even better! Their services include guided tours, gear rental, and more. Cruise the city on an electric fat bike with your local Milwaukee tour guide. Be on the amazing, scenic Milwaukee River as your tour guide will show you the beauty it has to offer. Canoes and kayaks are available for you to rent. For more information or to schedule your guided tour, check out the website below.
Ambition Center
Ambition Center, located at 3838 N Holton St, provides local access to technology, resources, mentorship, and strategic connections. They offer private office space, general coworking space, a media room, and event space available for members. They are currently accepting charter members as they launch and aim to make a positive impact in the community. Marcell Jackson is an ambitious entrepreneur who envisioned realizing an inspirational and empowering coworking space in Milwaukee, and was able to do so with help from the Business Development Center at Riverworks.
Cream City Circus Collective
Cream City Circus Collective, located at 830 E Keefe Ave, is a diverse, women-run circus troupe offering performance and classes to the local community. They operate as a space for independent artists and instructors to train and to host classes and workshops. They are continuously dedicated to cultivating and maintaining a warm and welcome environment for people of all races, colors, national origins, abilities, ages, sexual orientations, gender identities, body sizes and types, and socio-economic backgrounds. They strive to be a place where people can bring the full extent of their authentic selves in a safe and creative environment.
Crops on Top
Crops on Top, located at 830 E Keefe, is a growing urban farm producing vegetables, herbs and more, and is positioned on top of a former asphalt parking lot. The gardens are a mix of moveable containers plus raised beds created from reused and recycled items. Crops on Top builds relationships with local chef and restaurants to create educational partnerships, provide fresh and local produce, and offer a venue for events. Drive by and check in at the garden for more information!
Sam's Place Jazz Café
The passionate Pastor Sam Belton recently opened his second café, Sam’s Place Jazz Café, in a historic building located at 3338 N Martin Luther King Jr Dr. Pastor Belton has a love for learning and community; he has visited Africa to conduct mission trips as well as to learn about the origins of coffee. Sam’s Place is inviting applicants for a broad array of positions; they are seeking enthusiastic dedicated employees to help take the business to the next level in serving savory beverages, tasty food, and amazing music to the community.